Home Introduction


What is Rakuten Web Service?

The API services on this site provide information about items listed for sale on Rakuten sites, shopping cart and other functionality for use by individual developers and coporate enterprise teams.

How to develop

  1. 1 Find
    • We have prepared many APIs from several different Rakuten Services. First, let's find the right API for you to use.

  2. 2 Try

    With our API Test Form, you may test out request parameters, examine what data is retrieved, and use other functionalities in our APIs.

  3. 3 Make

    Develop your app quickly.

What is an App?

Application Information

  • (Required) App name, app URL
  • (Optional) Allowed callback domain, policy URL, app image, app explanation
  • App characteristics

    • Application information can be changed at any time.
    • A developer can register up to 5 apps.
    • App ID and application_secret are issued separately for each app. (i.e. app A can only use its App ID and application_secret)
    • App ID and application_secret can be used with multiple APIs
    • Access control is applied to each app individually.
    • In contrast to app ID and application_secret, only one Affiliate ID is issued per developer. Please use that Affiliate ID across all registered apps.
    • App IDs and affiliate IDs registered before June 2012 can still be used. You can check from this link: Check your App ID and affiliate ID
    • If you only want to check your affiliate ID, you can check from this link: Affiliate ID confirmation
    • Register additional app information

    Merits of registered Apps

    Developers will be able to use the API with OAuth 2.0 functionality (If the App is not registered, this functionality will not be available)

    API usage example


    We picked out some excellent apps that use our API. Please take a look. (Japanese only)